Tips for Finding Legitimate Paid Surveys Online

How can you tell if a paid survey site is legitimate or not. Sometimes it can seem almost impossible, especially with the seemingly thousands of sites out there offering free online paid surveys. If you've already tried online surveys you know that there are some that don't pay very much at all and others that are just looking to take your hard earned money
I would suggest that before you register with any survey site you do some research to see if they are legit or not. Legit paid surveys are ones that are free to register with and pay you a decent amount for taking their surveys. Oh yes, and they also need to send you the check at the end of the day. If you do some research in advance you can certainly save yourself some time and possibly money as well. It's always good to protect yourself from the online scammers.

How Can You Know Whether a Survey Site is Legitimate?

1. Are there a lot of pop ups on the site?
Any legitimate survey site will not overload you with pop ups as soon as you hit their page. I'm not talking about the pop ups you might encounter when you're loading their surveys, but rather the pop ups that are advertisements for things like screen savers and anti-virus software. A good survey site wants their brand to appear professional and pop ups are anything but professional. I avoid paid survey sites that bombard me with pop ups and you should too.

2. Does the website itself look professional?
When I talk about professional I don't mean that the graphics are flashy and the site reads like a sales letter. In fact, I would avoid sites that read like sales letters since they probably are; they are sales letters trying to get you to part with your money and buy access to their database of survey sites. You should also look for things like poor grammar and misspelled words which no legitimate survey site would allow.

3. Is the survey site asking you for money?
No legitimate survey site will ask you to pay them. The online surveys exist to collect opinions from people and they pay for those opinions because they are being paid by the companies that sponsor the surveys. Any site that is asking you to give them money just wants to sell you access to a database of surveys sites and guess what; you can get the same list yourself online for free.

There are lots of survey sites on the internet that are trying to get your money. Do your research and avoid them as much as possible. It may take some time, but you will come across the legitimate and well paying sites. Once you do stick with them and then find another and another. Soon you'll be making some good money by doing free online paid surveys.

About the Author:

Find out more ways to get paid for surveys at the authors website where he lists over 300 legit companies offering paid surveys

Article Source: - Tips for Finding Legitimate Paid Surveys Online

Paid Surveys, Online Surveys, Online Paid Surveys, Legit Paid Surveys, Paid For Surveys