Ebay: How to Get Tons of Free Traffic to Your Ebay Auctions

Get more traffic to your ebay listings without spending any cash. Obviously, the more people who view your auction items on ebay, the more bids you should get. I discovered by accident a method that does just that.

I noticed a listing at position number 1 on Google and clicked on it as subject interested me. I was directed to eBay and an article in the Guides and Reviews section. I didn't know this section existed until then.

The article in question was only short but had been viewed over 25.000 times. The 'author' of this short guide will have received a lot more traffic to his listings than if he hadn't written it and at no extra cost to at all, just a little time to put it together.

The great thing about these guides and reviews is that not only do people who are actually visiting eBay read them but they get listed on Google.

I decided to write a short guide myself to see what would happen. After a short time, my guide was at NUMBER 1 on Google and still is to this day. You can see a screenshot of my entry on Google at my website, there is a link to it below.

You don't have to be a great author to create a short guide. Whatever you sell, you can write a guide about it or produce a list of tips or review a certain product. Read other peoples Guides and Reviews to get an idea of how they are constructed.

When people arrive at your Guide or Article they will see displayed a link to your About Me page (a feature all eBay sellers should take advantage of) they also see links to your items you are selling.

Having a Guide or Review published will indicate to people that you are serious about what you do and not just a fly-by-night. It will also bring you loads more traffic to your listings and hopefully more bids.

You can find more information about this profitable technique and the screenshot of my Google position at my website: http://www.smarterwork.info


About the Author:

Graham Walsham has been involved in online publishing for over five years producing How-To eBooks and articles. He publishes FREE How-To-Articles covering a wide variety of subjects, you can read them at: http://www.smarterwork.info

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Ebay: How to Get Tons of Free Traffic to Your Ebay Auctions

Free, Cash, Traffic, Ebay, Visitors, Auctions, Listing