Downline Building - Start Each Month With an Income Base


Are you having difficulty downline building? People get some screwy ideas about products when they decide to do an MLM business. You often hear, "I can't sell any product unless I love it!" Actually, the truth is, you can't sell a product unless there is a market who want it. And for a professional, that is always their number 1 consideration. To have a lifetime of success in MLM, you need to provide one or more products that people really want, and which are consumable, so they get ordered over and over and over. It's surprising how many businesses which call themselves network marketing, actually sell products which offer no month after month after month recurring income. Instead, it's a one-time sale.

 The great advantage of a true MLM business is that as you build, your income is cumulative each month. That's what they call residual income. Most people do not really understand the difference until they actually build residual income and then they take off for 2 months to go to the Galapagos Islands or something and when they come back, they have 2 checks waiting for them, and the 2nd check is bigger than the first. THAT is residual income, and it's pretty exciting and pretty life-changing.

 You'll never have a strong stable MLM income unless your new guys go on autoship. Autoship means that they automatically get product each month, charged to their credit card. Autoship means that you have customers you can count on ordering each month, which means you start each month with a certain income base, and it increases from there. If you explain the autoship to your team, they will sign up for it, because they are also serious about building an income they can depend on. You can tell them that there are good reasons for autoship. The exact reasons will vary from one company to another, but here are 3 possibilities:

  • First, use those products you get as samples with your prospects. That means that your autoship expense is 100% tax deductible, because it is a business expense. For tax purposes, keep a record of the free samples you give.

  • Second, the company gives a free product each month to anyone with a certain amount of autoship.

  • Third, being on autoship qualifies you to receive the company car bonus. Also, some companies offer a special bulk purchase for those on autoship on autoship, you get X amount of free product in that Super Pack. Use that bonus yourself, or use it again as samples with your prospects.


You'll find good reasons for autoship with any company. Learn your comp plan so you understand your company's autoship reasons, and share them with your prospects.

The time-tested ebook "Success In 10 Steps" by Michael Dlouhy goes into detail on these thoughts and more. The book has become a network marketing classic over the last few years, having passed 100,000 downloads. Many have used the strategies to build their business. The book was written for frustrated network marketers who haven't had the success they'd like in the business. That's millions of people. The frustrated MLMer learns many key points of network marketing success, and gets a step-by-step plan for changing their results from bad to good. The book doesn't promote any companies or products, so it has been a very popular and effective lead generation tool for a lot of people in MLM. 


About the Author:

I mentor and coach others to create a good income working from home. I've built up a ton of resources, experience, tips, techniques and strategies. Everything a person needs to have success working from home

You can get a free copy of the classic "Success in 10 Steps" ebook at website.

Article Source: - Downline Building - Start Each Month With an Income Base

Downline Building